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This page outlines all major wars, battles, and conflicts on the continent of Westeros since the year 157AC.

The Conquest of Dorne [157 - 158AC][]

Main Article: The Conquest of Dorne

King Daeron I Targaryen ascended the throne at the age of fourteen in 157 AC. He had long felt that the continued independence of Dorne represented unfinished business for the Targaryens, and vowed to rectify this, planning to "complete the Conquest".

  • The Battle of the Prince's Pass - The first battle of the Dornish Conquest, the Battle of the Prince's Pass saw Lyonel Tyrell and his army engage a joint force of Blackmonts, Daynes, and Fowlers. The Reachmen proved victorious, sheer numbers and heavy horse turning the Wide Way into a killing field.
  • The Young Dragon's Gambit - Rather than marching down the traditional pass of the Boneway, King Daeron led his men through the mountainside, using goat tracks and narrow passages to skirt the watchtowers and patrols. The move saw them emerge well south of the defending army, facing the not-yet prepared Yronwood forces.
  • The Battle of the Cliffs - King Daeron and his men fell upon the unready Yronwoods in the First Battle of the Cliffs, destroying the majority of their forces and setting the rest to flight.
  • The Second Battle of the Cliffs - Discovering Daeron's deception, the Wyls and Manwoodys marched south in haste to try and defeat the Targaryen army. Battle was joined once more by the cliffs which overlooked the Sea of Dorne, and once again King Daeron proved victorious.
  • The Siege of Skyreach - As Lyonel and his army emerged from the pass, they immediately placed Skyreach undersiege, while another force tried to pick its way through the Western mountains, to High Hermitage.
  • The Siege of Yronwood - Upon defeating the army gathered in the Boneway, Daeron besieged Yronwood. The castle barred its gates, the defenders stalwart and resolute. Unwilling to remain bogged down, Daeron left a lord in charge of the siege and took the majority of his men east.
  • The Breaking of Planky Town - As the Martells and the rest of their vassals prepared to head west to defend from the massive incursion, Alyn Velaryon and the Royal Fleet sailed upon the Greenblood, razing the settlement known as Planky Town and piercing the river's defenses.
  • The Red Ambush - The Reachmen sent to take High Hermitage found themselves wandering a narrow track that led through the mountains. As they traveled an ambush was sprung - Dornishmen seeming to materialize from the hills and falling upon their foes. The entire host was caught by surprised, and less than a score escaped.
  • The March of the Scourge - Daeron and his men followed the coast for some time, eventually marching south through the desert to come alongside the river. The Targaryen King and his host marched east along the banks of the Scourge, fighting raiding parties and small armies that attempted to hinder their advance.
  • The Battle for Godsgrace - King Daeron and his men arrived at Godsgrace, where the Martells, Allyrions, Jordaynes, Dalts, and all the strength of the Dornish east awaited him. Battle was joined, fierce and blood, the sands about the castle stained dark crimson with the slain. In the end, numbers proved the deciding factor - and the Martells ordered their men to withdraw. Godsgrace was abandoned, and the Dornish host retreated.
  • The Battle of the Dunes - Skyreach still lay undersiege, Lyonel Tyrell and his army having dug in around the desert castle. Slowly, just within sight to the south, another army gathered - made up of Qorgyles and Ullers, Daynes and various Dornish warriors. Battle was joined at high noon, the Dornish attacking Lyonel's position even as the Yronwoods sallied forth from their castle. The Westerosi would prove victorious however, defeating the assembled armies and taking the castle from the defeated Yronwoods.
  • 157AC ends, the year 158AC begins
  • The Battle of Shadows - Meeting up with Alyn Velaryon's fleet, which waited as far up the Greenblood as they could, Daeron and his army sailed east, toward Sunspear. They battle their way through the Shadow City, fending off attacks from half-hid doorways and precarious rooftops as the Dornish relinquish each street only bitterly. In the end, King Daeron finally take Sunspear.
  • The Submission of Sunspear - After their defeat in the Battle of Shadows, the Prince of Dorne and forty of the most powerful Dornish lords bent their knees at what is known as the Submission of Sunspear. Fourteen noble hostages were taken, and Dorne was at last part of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Dornish Revolt [160 - 161AC][]

Main Article: The Dornish Revolt

After hardly a year of Targaryen rule, Dorne was still in open rebellion. Though the nobles of the region had largely bent the knee, the smallfolk cared little, attacking Westerosi lords and harassing the Warden of the region. After his murder, the entire peninsula erupted into full-blown revolt.

  • The Scorpion and the Rose - Lyonel Tyrell, left to oversee Dorne by the command of King Daeron Targaryen, visited Sandstone on his routine rounds. When he pulled a cord to summon a serving girl, a hundred red scorpions fell upon him instead.
  • Unbowed - As word of the governor's death spread, revolts immediately sprung up across the Dornish peninsula. Nobles everywhere, despite having sworn their fealty to the Iron Throne and handing over hostages, refused to yield or kneel, crowning House Martell as Princes once again.
  • Unbent - Forces were sent to quell the Dornish uprising, but these were routinely waylaid, harrassed, or outright slaughtered, as a Stormland host was at Yronwood, in which Durran Baratheon died, and his men were driven into the sea . In Sunspear alone five thousand warriors died, when the besiegers and their commander drank from a poisoned well. Thousands marched on Sandstone to recover Lord Lyonel's body, but the harsh deserts and lack of water turned armour into ovens. Across Dorne, the revolt only spread, and the Westerosi death toll rose, and rose.
  • Unbroken - Despite the hostages in King's Landing and the Velaryons once more sailing upon the Greenblood, Dornish opinion remained firmly in support of rebellion. Men, women, and even - in some cases - children, did whatever they could to defy those who thought they had conquered them.
  • The Boneway - After only a few weeks of slaughter, the Dornish offered Daeron peace, and a change to negotiate the terms of their return to the fold. Daeron sent his brother Baelor, hoping that the youth's piety would remind the Dornishmen of their shared faith, and inspire them. Instead, Baelor and the five Kingsguard of his retinue were slaughtered in the Boneway. After that, all Westerosi attempts to rule Dorne ceased.

The Blackwater Rebellion [186 - 187AC][]

Main Article: The Blackwater Rebellion

After years of quarrelling between King Daeron I and his cousin, Aegon Targaryen, the Black Dragon raised his banners and pressed his claim on the Iron Throne, resulting in a revolt that would engulf the entire Seven Kingdoms in conflict.

  • The Battle at Duskendale - Hoping to contain the revolt before it could become anything more than a small uprising, Daeron Targaryen sent then-Hand Ambrose Butterwell to Duskendale to apprehend the rebel king. Ambrose was defeated, his army destroyed, and Aegon escaped to the Riverlands. Black Victory.
  • The Battle of the Red Hills - Dornish invaders, thought to be routed at Nightstong, appear deeper in the Reach and begin to raid. The marcher lords of the region gather and face them in the foothills of the Red Mountains, defeating several thousand men who retreat back down the pass. Black Victory
  • The Ambush by Summerfield - Lord Toyne sends out his sons along the pass and strike at at the marching Stormlords as they file through a valley. They catch the defenders unaware, doing a great amount of damage before a Dondarrion leads the charge up one of the hills, setting the attackers to flight. Black Victory
  • Siege of Griffin's Roost - Lords Swann, Morrigen, and Mertyns set out to besiege Griffin's Roost. A small skirmish sees the Conningtons retreat into their castle, unable to defeat such overwhelming forces. They manage to send a raven to Storm's End before the attackers completely envelop the fortress.
  • The Folly by Greentree - Led by a Rowan, the horse of the Reachlord loyalists outpaces their foot, coming upon Highgarden before the rest of the host. Not long after passing the point where the river curves a bit east, narrowing the land and making maneuvering difficult, an ambush is sprung by several rebel forces. A young Roxton manages to organize a retreat, falling back to the village of Greentree before escaping back to the rest of the host. Black Victory
  • The Battle at Highgarden - The Tyrells and their vassals meet the remainder of the loyalists outside of Highgarden, just past the bridge over the Mander. By most accounts they outnumbered the loyalists by a great degree, both in horse and infantry. Repeated charges by the Tyrell cavalry saw the left flank of the Rowan battle line waver and break, rolling up the formation at once and setting them to rout. Black Victory
  • The First Batttle of Sarsfield - Not expecting such swift resistance, Lord Lefford immediately marched down the Riverroad toward Casterly Rock, hoping to join up with the loyalists before he could be waylaid. Unfortunately he was caught just outside of Sarsfield, within sight of the castle, and his force was driven up into the hills. Though also fellow loyalists, the Sarsfield levies were not yet gathered, and thus they did not sally forth to aid the sore-set Lefford forces. Black Victory
  • The Siege of Cornfield - Ever defiant, Lord Swyft refused Redtusk's increasingly generous offers, despite being severely outnumbered by the attacking forces. Some say that he even forbade the consumption of fowl during the siege, demanding that all ate only pork - though this is likely a mummer's tale, exaggerated by singers.
  • The Battle of the Rock - The forces of either side were well matched, and many saw the battle as possibly deciding the future of the Westerlands. The fighting was fierce and bitter, and seemed to go either way until Robb Reyne was slain by a young nobleman, bested in a duel to the surprise of all. As shock raced through the lines the Brax vanguard rallied behind their lord, crashing into the Lannister lines - which held firm, despite all odds. The attack left an opening at last for a sudden charge by led by Banefort - turning the battle swiftly in favour of the loyalists. Red Victory
  • The Second Battle of Sarsfield - Now better equipped, their full forces gathered, the men of Sarsfield fetched the survivors of the First Battle of Sarsfield out from the hills, and gathered dozens of incoming loyalists from across the region. When the remnants of Robb Reyne's army retreated towards the castle, the Sarsfields, Leffords, and their allies, struck - ending the host for good. Red Victory
  • The Reaving of Red Lake - The Ironborn landed without warning, emerging from the mists with the dawn, as was their way. They avoided most castles and strongholds, favouring villages and the like instead - pushing their way east. They advanced as far as Red Lake in their reavings, though were turned back there by House Crane. Red Victory
  • The Defiance of Greenshield - Tentative attacks on the Shield Isles began weeks before the first major assault, testing the vigilance of the defenders. one such foray prompted swift vengeance from the northernmost of the Shields, who sailed forth to contest the seas. Though House Chester was greatly outnumbered and suffered a grave defeat, their attack saw a dozen Ironborn ships sunk, and a half dozen ruined beyond repair. Red Victory
  • The Battle of Shields - Deciding then to end all possible retaliation from the South, the Ironborn set out in strength to scour the Shields and end their threat for ever. The Shieldmen, ever valiant, even in the face of overwhelming odds, sallied out to meet them. The battle was fierce, but the Ironborn proved too numerous, using their large warships to batter the enemy fleet toward the coast, where their deep keels saw them run aground. Here they were easy pickings for the Ironborn longships. In the end, the Reachmen were forced to retreat - and the Ironborn came on after them. Red Victory
  • The Assault on Bandallon - Lost in the headiness of their victory, the Ironborn continued on, sailing further south. They made landfall west of Brightwater Keep and placed Bandallon under siege, foraying out to raid and plunder as they saw fit. Houses HightowerBeesbury, BulwerCuyCostayne, and Florent, all sallied forth to defend the Reach - as the Redwyne came down with their ships. The Ironborn were dealt a stinging blow, bested on both land and sea - until the Harlaw fleet broke through the Redwyne lines, and rest of the navy followed afterwards. Black Victory.
  • The Battle at Sunset - The Ironborn retreated northwards, settling on Greyshield in hopes that they would have a chance to recuperate. Though Grimston had not fallen, most assumed their numbers would discourage the Grimms from attacking. This assumption proved false - as night fell, the Grimms struck, setting alight a half dozen ships and fighting with savage fury. Assuming that reinforcements from the mainland had come, the Ironborn embarked immediately and in haste. Though they lost only a hundred men, and a half dozen ships, the Battle at Sunset directly led into the next battle of the Sunset Conflict. Black Victory
  • The Storm of Splinters - This battle took place in deep sea, just off the coast of Greyshield, and saw more than a two hundred vessels sink into the abyss. Ultimately the Greyjoys were defeated, abandoning their conquests in the Reach and fleeing northward, once and for good. Black Victory
  • 186AC ends, and the year 187AC begins.
  • The First Battle of the Fork - Daemon Targaryen and the Brackens, bolstered by Daemon's army and the knights who clamoured to fight by his side, drove the Blackwoods across the Red Fork, into Blackwood Vale. Black Victory
  • The Siege of Darry - Instructed by Aegon Targaryen to seize Darry for the rebellion, Lord Lothston marches out with his men to place the castle under siege. He is there for hardly a week before reinforcements arrive for the loyalists - Mootons and Hollards and Wodes in number. After a short battle Lord Lothston is forced to retreat, falling back to Harrenhal. Red Victory
  • The Second Battle of the Fork - Reinforced by Tullys, Pipers, and Mallisters, Daemon and his allies are driven out of Blackwood Vale in a bitter and hard-fought battle. Though Daemon fights well, slaying one of Lord Tully's sons and forcing a Piper scion to yield, the Brackens are forced to retreat across the River. A young nobleman wounds Lord Mallister. Red Victory
  • The Battle of Riverrun - With the Mallisters paused to tend to their wounded lord, Daemon presses south to face the Pipers and Tullys alone. The battle seems pitched until the Blackwoods arrive, pouring arrows into the rebel flank and rear. Lord Bracken is wounded, and the army begins to rout - Prince Daemon manages to steady their retreat, leading them back toward High Heart. Red Victory
  • The Liberation of Griffins Roost - The Baratheons march upon Griffin's Roost, backed by Houses Fell and Grandison. With the Conningtons sallying out of their gate, the fury of the Baratheon charge proves too much, shattering the loyalist lines. Many nobles are taken prisoner, all but securing the Stormlands for House Baratheon. Black Victory
  • The Breaking of Bitterbridge - Lord Caswell, unhappy but resolute, decides to sabotage Bitterbridge. After several days of labourous work, the stone structure is sent cascading into the Mander, ending any hope of Lord Tyrell crossing it with his forces.
  • The Battle of Redriver - After the defeat at Griffin's Roost, many of the loyalist vassals once more swear to Storm's End. Others flee north, to fight with the Stormlords who yet serve the Iron Throne. These join up with Prince Maekar Targaryen and the Kingsguard, who gather a host of Crownlanders and wait in the Kingswood, by headwaters of the Wendwater. Lord Baratheon chooses to meet them, and in the ensuing battle the river runs red. Lord Maekar's position proved unassailable, despite several attempts by the Baratheons to uproot him, and the trees made maneuvering difficult. When a new member of the Kingsguard fought his way to Lord Baratheon and slew him, the battle was all but over. The newly re-sworn vassals of Storm's End were the first to break, followed soon after by the rebels themselves. Red Victory
  • The Battle of the Bite - An enormous battle just off the Kingsroad, near the bay most men call the Bite. The North would eventually emerge victorious, defeating the loyalist forces. Black Victory
  • The Siege of Crakehall - When the loyalist forces arrived at Crakehall, they outnumbered the defenders nearly thirty to one. Seeing little hope, Lord Crakehall dipped his banners, leaving the Redtusk to his own devices. Red Victory
  • The Liberation of Cornfield - As the Lannisters approached, Redtusk fled. The Swyfts, seeing their tormentor and would-be conqueror run, sallied forth, slaying scores of rebels before they could rally and escape to the hills. Red Victory
  • The Battle of the Hills - Cornered in the foothills of the Westerland mountains, Redtusk and his men turned to face their harriers. Caught in a rocky, narrow valley, there was no room for tactics or strategy - only brawn and short, sharp swordwork. The battle was long, carrying through the heat of the day, and Redtusk's men fought bitterly. Only when their leader himself at last fell, slain in a duel on the side of the hill, did they at last break and flee. Red Victory
  • Battle of the Ford - The Vale, having recuperated after the Battle of the Bite, launched an assault against Aelor's position on the Trident's ford, defeating him, routing his army, and taking the young Targaryen prince captive. Red Victory
  • The Battle of High Heart - A battle shrouded in mystery, but one of the most climactic in the Riverlands, the battle of High Heart saw the end of Aegon's victories along the Trident, and the death of his eldest son in battle. Red Victory
  • The Liberation of Harrenhal - Not long after Aegon had abandoned Harrenhal, loyalist soldiers there retook the castle from the men he had left behind. Lord Lothston was freed from his own dungeon, and promptly executed or imprisoned those men of Aegon's that remained. When the Tullys, Pipers, Blackwoods, and Mallisters arrived at Harrenhal, Lord Lothston swiftly offered his fealty. Red Victory
  • The Battle of Blackbridge - The final battle of the war, the Battle of Blackbridge saw thousands die upon the bridge over the Blackwater Rush, which was later renamed after the battle. Here Aegon's might was broken, and the last true hopes he had for the throne, extinguished.

The Dragonhunt [197AC][]

Main Article: the Dragonhunt

The Dragonhunt was a protracted chase in 197AC, where the Crown Prince and his army attempted to slay the dragon known as Cannibal, driving it from nest to nest until at last it escaped into the Red Mountains.

  • The Destruction of Dragonstone - Enraged, many assume, by yet another attempt to tame the creature, Cannibal roared forth from his den and began to attack people in the countryside, driving many of Dragonstone's denizens to Driftmark.
  • The Retaking of the Isle - Prince Aenys and his men set sail for the island, several hundred warriors attempting to take down the ancient beast. Cannibal resists, but eventually flees, still ever wary of men.
  • The Beast in Sharp Point - Word arrives that Cannibal has been sighted along the coasts of Sharp Point, attacking ships and farms, setting homesteads alight.
  • The Defense of Sharp Point - Aenys, now backed by volunteers from across the realm, marches after the beast with his retinue of dragonhunters. Cannibal is again ousted, heading into the Kingswood.
  • The Kingswood - For weeks the hunters track through the forest, trying to catch sight of the demon or his nest. At last they uncover it, attacking the beast for a third time - one of the Kingsguard is slain, another wounded, but the creature escapes north.
  • The Blackwater River - Lord Darklyn and his men defend the crossing from Cannibal, at last managing to wound the beast with pre-prepared scorpions and ballistae.
  • The Chase - Slowed by his injury, Cannibal becomes much easier to track, but the bows of regular knights do little against his hardened scales. They begin to herd him south, hoping to trap him against the mountains - they harry the creature for days, allowing it little rest.
  • Grassy Vale - Veering close to Grassy Vale, Lord Meadows and his men assemble to meet the beast. Cannibal balks at the sight of their scorpions, heading south instead.
  • Summerhall - The pursuers at last corner the beast at Summerhall, where Maekar Targaryen waits with ballistae and heavy weaponry of his own. In the ensuing battle Aenys Targaryen is slain, along with hundreds of men and knights - before the beast abandons the conflicts and disappears into the mountains, despite it's grievous wound.